Friday, April 29, 2011

Simdroid LIVE Release - And FAQ

Dear Sim Community:

It is with great pride I am happy to announce the release of our first Production Model Generation of Simdroids! Envious 42 Labs has been hard at work (mostly in seclusion) creating 100% organically grown and raised simdroid children who are now young adults and ready to be adopted into your Sim communities worldwide! New Simdroids will be uploaded to the Exchange often so if you enjoy them, check my profile and studio often!

Simdroids are a rare hybrid being, 50% Sim and 50% Simbot! While they have been uniquely bionengineered (custom modification) in our labs, they require no special mod on your part to play them in your Sims 3 game other than Ambitions (required to play simbots).

The first two Simdroids offered for your download are:

Zarya Swift:

Zarya is a very artistic and eccentric simdroid. She has been working on her inventing and painting / sculpting skills. She wants to be a freelance artist and inventor and would make a great addition to any modern city household or arts and science academy. Zarya's Traits are:

Artistic / Athletic / Eccentric / Handy / Good

You can download Zarya here:

*Fixed and re-uploaded*

Ferrous Blue:

Ferrous is a very charismatic and handsome young simdroid male who aspires to become an astronaut and join the Moon Base Charlie Colony. (See Rflong's Moonbase Charlie world details) He's working hard on his athletic, martial arts and handiness skills. His traits are:

Athletic / Brave / Charismatic / Disciplined / Loves the Outdoors

Ferrous would make a fabulous addition to your community as a brave military jet pilot or firefighter.

You can download Ferrous Blue (household) here:


Here is the Simdroid FAQ for those curious for more information. If you have any other questions, please respond to this topic thread and I will check it often to reply and answer assist you with your Simdroid inquiries and feedback. THANKS!


1.  Q - What, exactly, is a Simdroid?

A - A Simdroid is the biological child of a Sim Mother and a Simbot Father. Female Simbots cannot reproduce (no pregnancy ability) but Simbot males can reproduce with Sim females. A special 'mod' was used to enable 'try for baby' between a male simbot (who is considered an elder by game mechanics) and a sim female. Each and every simdroid was conceived the good ol' fashioned way with woohoo and try for baby. :)

2.  Q - Do I have to use the same Mod you used to play a simdroid?

A - No. You only need Ambitions EP in order to play a simdroid, the same as you would need it to have a simbot join your household (via lifetime wish or invention skill). The 'mod' only allowed me to have a simbot and sim reproduce like regular sims, nothing else was modified.

3.  Q - What makes a Simdroid different from a Sim or a simbot? It looks like a Sim to me!

A. At first glance, yes, a simdroid appears very similar in physical looks to a Sim - from the outside. If you look closely, however, you will see that Simdroids have longer arms and legs than sims, slightly longer necks and facial features. This gives a more lithe, graceful appearance to simdroids, who remain very thin and tall. The physical differences become much more obvious, however, once you begin playing a simdroid.

4.  Q - Ok, so what are the major differences in a simdroid?

A.  A simdroid is basically a simbot inside a sim's external body. Everything that makes a simbot unique or unusual is present in a simdroid except for a few small changes. Here is a list of what a simdroid has or doesn't have in common with their sim or simbot parents (with more detail in further questions):

- Longer Lifespan (similar to simbot)
- No hygiene necessity (needs bar same as simbot). No stinky debuff!
- Can eat Scrap for food (more filling) or get by on sim food (less filling)
- Walks and talks like a Simbot (can get a mod to make them walk normally if you like)
- Uses jet propulsion in feet instead of running
- Does not change clothing like a sim - one outfit or 'skin' for everything
- Can swim or hot tub like a Sim, but does not prefer it and will sometimes short out
- If very stressed out, can 'short out' (can be repaired /reprogrammed by a handy Sim)
- learns skills rapidly and picks up new ones quickly
- generally very good natured in personality and sim relationships
- Born with naturally high inventing and handiness skills of varying levels
- Naturally fire resistant. Many also have pyromaniac hidden traits as well.
- Can "Smash" objects to obtain scrap from them for food.
- Has bladder and sleep (recharge) requirements the same as a sim or simbot*
- Most simdroids are inherently obove average smart and brave
- Can romance, marry and have children like regular sims**

5.  Q - Do Simdroids age and die like Sims?

A - Simdroids have longer than average lifespans. (Simbots and Simdroids live longer than Sims) - Simdroids, however, have Sim-like 'aging' stages (from infancy through elderly) the same as Sims, not one lifespan like a Simbot.

6.   Q - Can my Simdroid swim or get in the shower or hot tub if he/she isn't hydrophobic?

A - Simdroids have the same needs indicators as simbots. They do not require bathing, therefore no hygien needs. In fact they do not like water - but aren't usually born with the same 'hydrophobic' traits as simbots. But unlike a Simbot, a Simdroid CAN go in water (shower, hot tub etc) without shorting out every time. Their biological sim exterior has more water resistant properties, but don't let them overdo it! Most simdroids will simply get back out if you insist they go in water. Repetitive hot tubbing or sprinkler play can result in a short-out.  The positive side of this is your simdroid will never need a shower after exercising, and won't have a stinky green cloud while socializing with sims at the gym!

7.  Q - How do I fuel and recharge a simdroid?

A - Simdroids, like their Simbot Fathers, prefer to eat scrap for fuel, which you can have them collect at your local neighborhood junkyard, or add to your own property (junk piles) if you prefer. If you have no access to junk piles, your Simdroid can 'smash' an object (furniture, appliances, etc) to extract units of scrap for food if you command them to do so. Simdroids can eat sim food and sim drinks, though it does not recharge them fully like scrap. Scrap is great because you can keep stacks of it in their personal inventory and they can eat wherever they go! Recharging a Simdroid is just a matter of having them sleep, like any other sim!

8.  Q - Will a Simdroid romance, fall in love, and marry or woohoo with a regular Sim in my household?

A - Yes! A Simdroid comes 'equipped' for all Sim romance interactions and seems to enjoy flirting and romance very much. Our testing has not yet been conclusive as to whether or not female simdroids can 'try for baby' and successfully get pregnant. We currently have a Simdroid young adult couple at our Simdroid Habitat, the first of their generation, who is expecting a baby together! Whether or not this can be achieved with regular sim players or with regular sims is yet unknown (with or without a mod).

9.  Q - Why do I have to download your Simdroids as a "Household" instead of a Sim pack?

A - Because we have genetically engineered our simdroids for maximum talents and sim / simbot hybrid functionality. If you downloaded them as a Sim only, you would only get their looks and none of their simdroid capabilities. They would in fact be only a regular sim copy of a simdroid. To receive all of the special features, you must download them as a household. The benefit of this is you will get more simoleons with them for startup costs, an inventory of scrap food, and specially bred 'lifetime rewards' such as steel bladder and rarely hungry so that along with no hygiene needs, your simbot will generally eat less and not use the toilet. You will also get whatever skills they were leveling up as children and teens. Because Simdroids live a lot longer than normal sims, they have had lots of time as youngsters to develop a lot of skills.

10.  Q  -  Why are all Simdroids packaged for download as Young Adults and not younger?

A  - We have worked hard to create the 'perfect' simdroid beings for your households and prefer to allow our simdroids to age up naturally. Previous lab testing showed serious flaws in artificial aging results from infancy through teen years (bugs) -  and so an entire generation of prototypes had to be scrapped and the process started over. Since then, we've taken pride and patience in raising each and every simdroid from infancy to young adult in a nurturing and very stimulating environment. Our Simdroid children grow up in lavishly decorated and equipped homes on a secret development island where we have a colony of Sims and Simbots living together and running our scientific labs - the "SCRAP" Facility (Simdroid Creation, Repair and Production). Every simdroid has access to the best schooling and skill training possible and are lovingly raised by their biological Mothers and a host of "Nannybots" (sterile female simbots). We believe this makes our simdroids vastly superior in intellect, skills, and socialization.

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