Saturday, December 25, 2010

Anna Sim - The AndroSim

This is my first Sims3 Blog - to debut my Androsim creation: Anna.

This is Anna.

If you'd like to download Anna for playing in The Sims 3 - here is the link:

Anna is unusual in the Sims world in that she is half Sim, half Simbot. She was born from a Sim Mother and a Simbot Father.

Here is Anna's Mother Sable (Anna doesn't really look like Mom at all):

And here is her Father, Dennis:

He's having a conversation with the food processor... (and there's little Anna in the background, talking with her Mom. She talked and walked very early - was born a genius and eccentric.)

Here is Anna as a toddler - playing with, appropriately, a robot toy!

Anna seemed like a normal Sim baby when she was born (except for odd violet colored eyes). But I quickly realized she was not. First of all she did not cry like a sim baby. She sounded like a simbot and a sim voice mixed. She also showed other unusual signs... she aged very very slowly - like a simbot, and she did not need to bathe. She did eat regular food like a Sim, however. In fact, she had to eat a lot more often, which by the time she was a child and teen, was so frequently it was not really a feasible option for normal sim behavior.

The worst part, however, was the buggy mesh issues of Anna's body when she started to walk. Because she was technically a simbot (inside), but with the skin mesh of a sim on the outside, her body would elongate in a very disturbing way when she would walk with the simbot 'lurch' walk. 

Here is a picture of what that looks like:

Obviously not a normal 'toddling' toddler!

Ok, so - we had to fix this - it wasn't playable for me that way. It disturbed me. My husband found another quick mod fix for me, that makes simbots walk like sims instead of with the simbot lurch. This fixed the problem. Mostly.

Here's Anna as a child - she's so pretty with white hair and violet eyes! She was a very serious little girl and spent most of her time tinkering and inventing.

I got Anna aged up ok. Once she hit teenager, the walking wasn't an issue anymore. It was also really cool that she had the rockets in her feet like a Simbot to move fast (instead of run). But like I said, the eating megatons of food every 5-10 game minutes was really annoying. I had to station a juice-bar right next to her workbench when she would be inventing and creating things because she would get low and need to keep refueling by slugging juice constantly!

And here's Anna as a teenager. She's a genius, eccentric, and handy. She still spends all of her time at her workbench.. and eating. Tons of eating...

**NOTE: This is why you should not backwards age Anna if you download her. She does not really make a good child / teen Androsim! (unless you use mods to fix her problems of course)

And so I chose to age Anna up early to see if we could get beyond this horrible 'growth spurt' problem. Sure enough, once she hit young adult, she suddenly developed a taste for scrap instead of sim food, which obviously wasn't really doing her much good. Now she could finally eat and be full and happy!

Anna is now a young adult and doing fantastic. She developed a quirk though, she's a hopeless romantic. That's kind of tough considering she lives so much longer than 'normal' sim boys and she's a little reclusive with all that tinkering, inventing and such. She reads tons of trashy romance novels which she hides in her workroom.

Here's a couple pictures of Anna blowing stuff up, one of her favorite hobbies when not inventing things:

Anna and her parents live on a tropical island that was part of an experiment in controlled Sim lifestyle. No roads, no jobs, and very little modern technology (ok they had their cellphones!)... Obviously this wasn't really going to work out for them considering Dad's a simbot and now Anna's going around blowing stuff up and is half simbot too... they just didn't fit in with the folks there - fishing and growing tomatoes... So they've moved back to the mainland and are going to settle in the city where Anna's talents can be better utilized.

In closing, I'd like to note that there's a couple of things you should know about how Anna was created. I utilized the core mod 'Awesomemod' here:,15185.0.html

I use awesomemod because I like to control a number of sim households at once and its very easy with this mod to jump between households and to protect them from any strange story progression changes. In this way I can play "goddess" mode and make sure everyone's doing exactly what I want them to do.

But, I despise setting up romances over and over. It gets tedious. So I also use a mod I got from "ModtheSims" site: The mod I use there allows for autonomous woohoo and tryforbaby. Those are things you usually have to control yourself if you're playing a household or more than one. Sims you do not actively play will marry, get jobs, have babies, etc... but you don't have any control over that. I want my sims to go ahead and have normal private lives but not because I force them to all the time. The autonomous woohoo mod has a fairly normal percentage chance for pregnancy that I'm ok with and so I have been using it. Sometimes I have to help a couple along a little if they don't seem to be getting the idea on their own however haha!

Simbots are created as 'elderly' status by the game when they start out - so that is why they don't normally make babies with sims even when you try. Yes, you can have a male or female simbot woohoo with a sim if they want (or are intererested). A female simbot will never have a baby that I know of, however.

It's because of awesomemod and autonomous woohoo mod that my sim and simbot got together and had Anna... not because I wanted them to or arranged it! I think this makes Anna even more special.

Yeah I know this is a fairly weird topic to start my blog out with, but I kept promising Anna she'd get to make her debut into the Sims world and so I've uploaded her to the exchange and she's on my studio page. 

Here's the link to my profile:  Envie42

Have Fun with Anna!


  1. Hi.

    Thank you for your post. I have also created two half sim / half bot babies and currently, I am most interested if there's a way to change their clothes or hair etc? I have googled like crazy for about two hours now but there's hardly any post suggesting you can even have such a baby.

    Do you know how to makeover the androsims? I would really appreciate your help. Thanks a lot in advance.

  2. Hi sherry-h: There's not a lot of info out there regarding these special sims, I searched the net for answers too.

    Unfortunately, the problem you're having is not one I have because I have used the 'editsim' (on the ctrl-shift-c) command to change Anna's hairstyle and clothing. I never thought to try the mirror or dresser functions since I use mods and the 'testingcheatsenabled' functions.

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention though - as its another buggy issue with androsims that will need addressed / fixed if they are to be a playable option in the game. I honestly don't know if EA ever intended them to be a real gameplay option - but I have to wonder about that since it exists at all in their coding.

    Did you also use a mod to create your androsim babies? I'm curious how you came about yours and any other findings like the CAS issue. Thanks for replying!
