Sunday, December 4, 2011

Simpocalypse - Day 1


The Simpocalypse - "Ice Station"

A 'Twisted' Sims 3 Legacy Tale of Survival

 Written by: - Envie42  

**Note: This tale is based loosely upon the Apocalypse Challenge and features the amazingly cool looking player made world of "Ice Station" by Rflong7.

If you'd like to see all of Rflong7's great worlds plus links to download Ice Station and many others, please go here.**

So now ...  sit back and enjoy a story that is not your typical Sims 3 Legacy!



No one knows for sure what started the chain of events leading up to The Simpocalypse, but everyone remembers the two things that killed off most of sim-kind... the drastic climate changes, and the virus. If the intense heat and cold didn't get you, the sickness would. Once the severe weather made most of the planet inhospitable, everyone had to evacuate to a narrow band of area near the equator to survive - and then the virus kicked in amongst all those forced into overcrowded areas. Wars erupted to claim territory and survive.

Plan A had failed, and now the remaining hope of similization started to slip away as more and more sims died of a virus no medicine could cure. The cities became ghost towns, the countryside withered and died as both plants and animals suffered their own forms of the disease.

Plan B - total evacuation of all remaining healthy sims. The military gets involved in order to keep the peace as panicked sims desperate for surival rush the few working airfields boarding passengers. Fires, riots and bombings occur in the chaos outside security zones.

Only those sims lucky enough to test negative for the virus and who are young, fit and can work are taken onboard military transports. Families are cruelly torn apart as the very young, pregnant and elderly are left behind...

This is the story of one sim's survival during the Great Simpocalypse and her life which hopefully leads to hope and salvation for the entire similization.


Week 1 - Day 1    -- Journal of Ariane Steel --  "New Arrival"

Flying in over 'Chitmar Ice Station' at sunrise

I've arrived at Chitmar Ice Station via military cargo plane. 12 hours of excruciating cold and discomfort, packed in with 9 other 'survivors' as they're calling us. I don't really understand it all yet, having only just been released from the infirmary with a clean bill of health and my injuries healed.

I guess my Mom was right. I really was born with the lucky trait since I escaped the virus and ended up safely in the hospital not sick and dying like most, but instead with broken bones when the shelter we took refuge in was bombed. All I know now is, I've lost everything and everyone I knew, just like all of us crammed in this plane, and I'm still in shock.

After weeks of laying in an emergency medical facility cot, I am weak but anxious to get better and hopefully move on after the great simpocalypse that has left most of our world destroyed and what's left sick and dying.

They tell us Chitmar Ice Station, and a handful of other remote military facilities are our best hope of survival after the devastating virus has wiped out nearly all simkind. This station is situated in the furthest habitable location of the northsim pole. Scientists believe the virus is susceptable to cold and is unable to spread there. Not to mention its so remote no one will be able to get in or out unauthorized.

We're also told we'll be given new identities and put to work for the corporations and military funding the evacuation and rebuilding efforts. I barely remember the blurry words on the contract as someone put a pen in my hand. I signed, still groggy from surgery to repair my broken limbs.

Now, weeks later, I'm nervous about what exactly I've signed up for as mile upon mile of ice and snow fly by underneath. The landing seems to go on forever... as if sliding across a field of ice - and we probably are. The giant cargo plane finally skids to a halt and now my new life begins...


The Military Compound

I guess I was expecting some sort of a welcoming crew once we arrived from the hangars to the gates of the military compound, but the place seemed completely deserted - not even guards present.
We were ushered quickly indoors through a smaller access building and down into an underground facility below the main building ... passing through several security airlocks.


Walking down a long underground corridor for in-processing

We're given a quick check by the medical team, bloodwork once again done while quarantined to make sure there were no mistakes on our clearance from the infected list. And that's it. Some military issue clothing and bedding given in duffles and we're herded back out of the facility and onto a bus headed for the housing area.


The road to a new 'home' - military survival bunkers

The sky was lit with a beautiful pink and purple sunrise as our bus rumbled over heavily snow covered roadway leading to some small outbuildings set away from the main military compound. Little did I realize this type of clarity and beauty was rare for the station due to continual bad weather and more hours in darkness than daylight. Maybe it was a good sign for our arrival. I like to try and think positively.


This is my house...?

I'm dumped off unceremoniously at the front of my new 'quarters' with a duffle of clothing and supply crates containing a month's rations and necessities. The bus driver tells me to head inside immediately because strict lockdown was in effect for all new citizens until debriefing and job assignment.


And then the wind and snow begins to block out the beautiful sky ...

The bus rumbles off to drop off its next load at another bunker next door. I quickly realized there was no way I would stay outside long even if I wanted to as it was the most bitter cold I had ever experienced and just the few minutes it took to unload my supplies left me feeling drained and exhausted.


Picking up my 'assignment orders'

 I strip off my now snow soaked outerwear and hat, grab my packet of orders and duck through the heavy sliding doors, pulling the squeaky levers to lock it behind me. I soon find out its not much warmer inside.


Shivering, I think: "This place is ... sparse. And ... cold."

After passing through two rusted sets of severe weather airlock doors, I descend old rusted steps into my new dwelling. There isn't much to look at. Just a small very aged looking living space with a table and single chair, a refrigerator, one cupboard, sink, and a radio. That's it! Another door leads to a tiny bedroom with nothing more than a single bed and an even tinier closet size toilet room. I immediately notice the lack of a shower. This is disturbing... but I'm hoping my paperwork will explain everything.


Time to find out what's in store for my future ...

Inside the packet are some forms to fill out for mandatory registration and evaluation appointments, a list of station rules, and an inventory sheet with every meager piece of furniture in the bunker I had been 'issued' as well as a month's supply of food, clothing and some training manuals. The grand total of my new belongings and housing costs came to double the total amount of credits I had been issued before leaving to board the transport. I was shocked, and it seemed somewhat suspicious that this conveniently mandatory amount left me completely broke.

Reading on, I found out I would be required by 'The Corporation' (No name given) to repay this total fee in full before I would earn full paychecks from my workplace. So - I was now trapped here without any way to leave and basically an indentured servant. I guess I should keep reminding myself I'm fortunate to be alive and able to work at all compared to most.

I sighed and put the inventory aside and opened the job assignment paperwork, eager to find out what I would be doing here. Inside, a very official document, signed and stamped by the Chitmar Station Commanding Officer read:

"Welcome to Chitmar Ice Station - Citizen Ariane Steel,
We are pleased to have you join the civilian force detailed with building and outfitting a new facility suitable for sim-citizen habitation. Chitmar was previously only used for far north expedition training and as a science research facility long ago. It has fallen into disrepair and is not prepared for the numbers of refugees needing a place to live.
We regret that your housing facilities are less than desirable but this is all that is available on such short notice considering the vast state of emergency simkind is currently experiencing. Certainly you understand the necessity for rationing as well as the rules briefing in your packet and will do your utmost best to comply at all times. Though our military presence is currently at a minimum, we are tasked with keeping order and ensuring these regulations are obeyed. Keep to your quarters at all times unless you are traveling to and from work.
Your work detail is assigned as follows:


You will report to your new job 24 hours from arrival. You have this first day to unpack your supplies and settle in. Read your skill manuals and rest up, as a lot is expected of you in assisting our survival efforts and you will notice a distinct fatigue in sub zero conditions here that will take several months for acclimation. Do not exert yourself outdoors in any way and DO NOT leave your quarters.

Captain Dean Abledare, Chitmar Commanding Officer"


"Well I guess it could be a lot worse..."

I'm surprised but pleased by the medical assignment. I know my high intelligence and college scores were a huge help in this decision as well as my desire to help others as indicated by my psyche evals done at the medical facility when I was recovering from my injuries.

Now I would need to study and rest in preparation for focusing on my new job, which I intended to do better than I had ever done at anything else. My life, and many others lives would depend on it!


Hours of studying my new training manuals... thinking and stinking ...

I hardly realize its so late. There are no windows down here underground and the only clock is on my corporation issued cellphone. I really wish I could take a shower! I haven't had one since we left on the transport flight here and I'm smelling pretty ripe now. I wash as best as I can in the sink, and prepare my first meager meal.


This bowl of pre-packaged soup didn't really hit the spot or fill me up...

Time for bed ...

It's SO COLD in here! I'm thankful I've got thick socks, slippers and a military issue wool blanket. I am freezing and in such a hurry to get warm I hardly notice the crappy bed.


 Exhausted. First Day of my new life - done.

Here's to a better tomorrow and a better future. Good Night.


Click here for Week 1 - Day 2!

1 comment:

  1. Hi ~ Woot! Good start. Love the way you decorated it. =]
